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Promote your organization's products & services to the highly qualified audience at ICCE 2026!

To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sean Scully at (703) 295-6154.

Sponsorship Commitment Form

Sponsorship Levels

Five levels of sponsorship are available for ICCE 2026 - platinum, gold, silver, bronze, and copper. All sponsors at each level will be recognized at all the events listed.  Sponsors and exhibitors can add any of the Add-On Opportunities to their package. 

Premier – $20,000 (Exclusive) - Sponsored by Baird & Associates


Platinum – $10,000

Ice Breaker Welcome Reception
Make a big impression by sponsoring one of the premier social events of the conference.  This networking event will provide a first-class setting for attendees to become familiar with your products by visiting your exhibit.  This networking event is also a great way to reconnect with colleagues, mingle, and meet new associates.  This great networking opportunity kicks off the ICCE 2026 Conference, so you won’t want to miss out. 

Gold – $7,500

Exhibit Hall Luncheons
Exhibit hall luncheons are high-traffic events and are ideal for companies who are also exhibitors. These gold sponsorships promote your company throughout the luncheon and add to your overall exposure. 

Silver – $5,000

Refreshment Breaks
Start the day off right by affixing your branded logo on the morning coffee or afternoon snack break supplied to all participants.  All coffee breaks will be served in the exhibit hall to allow mingling time during the break period.

Bronze – $3,000

Student Professional Development Event
Support the future of the ports and harbors profession as a sponsor of this unique event which allows your company to network with both educators and students.

Add-On Opportunities

The following opportunities are available to all sponsors and exhibitors on a first-come, first-served basis:

  • Wireless Internet Access:  $10,000
    Wi-Fi at events is no longer a ‘nice to have’ commodity. Reliable Wi-Fi is a critical must-have productivity tool. Take credit for attendees staying connected by becoming the Internet Connection Sponsor.  This sponsorship includes a full-page ad in the conference program. 

    (One exclusive opportunity for sponsors)

    *  This sponsorship includes 2 conference attendee passes.
  • Water Bottle Sponsorship: $10,000
    Place your branded logo in the hands of all the conference participants by sponsoring the conference water bottle. This is always conference attendees’ favorite souvenir. This sponsorship includes a full-page ad in the conference program. 

    (One exclusive opportunity is available if secured by Wednesday, March 19, 2025. After Wednesday, March 19, 2025, this opportunity is not available.) 

    *  This sponsorship includes 2 conference attendee passes. 
    **  This sponsorship is available for $5,000 if your company produces and ships the conference water bottles to the event.

  • ​​​​​​Conference Registration Bag:  $10,000 
    Place your branded logo in the hands of all the conference participants by sponsoring the conference registration bag. This sponsorship includes a full-page ad in the conference program. 

    (One exclusive opportunity is available if secured by Wednesday, March 19, 2025. After Wednesday, March 19, 2025, this opportunity is not available.) 

    *  This sponsorship includes 2 conference attendee passes. 
    **  This sponsorship is available for $5,000 if your company produces and ships the conference registration bag to the event.
  • Mobile App:  $7,500 
    The mobile app is the most used source for attendees to find detailed conference agenda information.  Your company can purchase the landing page to the app, which will be seen when the user logs in.  This sponsorship includes a half-page ad in the conference program. 

    (One exclusive opportunity is available) 
  • Conference Lanyards:  $5,000 - Sponsored by Stantec


  • Conference Hotel Key Cards:  $5,000 

    Your logo on the hotel key card will be an amazing way to gain the first exposure to the conference attendees.  Logo hotel key cards will be given to all guests in the rooming block at the conference host hotel.

    (One exclusive opportunity is available) 
  • In-Room Nightly Amenity:  $5,000 each

    Relay a personalized company message to conference attendees at the end of their busy day! ASCE will work with you to create just the right thought and presentation. The sponsoring company is responsible for the purchase of a small gift to accompany the nightly amenity. One exclusive sponsorship is available per night.  This opportunity is for guests registered in the San Luis Resort & Conference Center Hotel's conference rooming block.

    (One opportunity is available for Sunday, Monday or Tuesday night)
  • Window / Wall Cling:  $3,000 each

    Share your company message/promotion with a wall or window cling installed in a prominent location that overlooks a high-traffic conference area.

    (One exclusive opportunity is available) 
  • Registration & Exhibit Hall Floor Cling:  $3,000 

    Place your logo in the area attendees approach first — registration! This sponsorship allows for one company to place (10) floor clings throughout the registration and exhibit hall area. Cling placement will be determined on-site by show management. 

    (One exclusive opportunity is available) 
  • Laser Pen:  $2,500 
    Provided to each of the conference speakers with the sponsor's name on the laser pen. The sponsoring company is responsible for providing the laser pen for the giveaway.

    (One exclusive opportunity is available) 
  • Water Bubblers:  $1,500 

    Water bubblers will be conveniently placed throughout the conference public areas with your logo affixed to them.

    (One exclusive opportunity is available) 
  • Pre-Conference Short Courses:  $1,000 each

    Sponsor one of the ICCE 2026 Conference Short Courses to spotlight your company in a focused segment of the industry. Be recognized on the marketing materials and opening slide and put your promotional materials on the chairs.

    (Multiple opportunities are available) 
  • Prize Giveaways:  $1,000 each

    Sponsor a prize giveaway to generate special “buzz” for your company at an event or activity that your company is sponsoring! Randomly selected registrants will receive a prize during giveaways at predetermined events and activities. The sponsoring company is responsible for providing a prize giveaway.  

    (Multiple opportunities are available) 
  • Green Conference Initiative:$1,000 each

    Show conference attendees that your company practices green initiative designs with climate-positive solutions to address climate change, risks, and market challenges using innovative engineering practices.

    (Multiple opportunities are available) 
  • Specialty Drink Menu at the Ice Breaker Welcome Reception:  $500 each

    Create and name a customized specialty drink to be included on the icebreaker welcome reception drink menu.

    (Multiple opportunities are available) 

Sponsorship Deadlines & Important Dates

Sponsors and exhibitors should note these important dates:

  • Company logos should be received with a signed contract.
  • Wednesday, January 14, 2026 - 50% due upon receipt of invoice, balance due by 1/15/25. After 1/15/25 full payment is due upon receipt of the invoice.
  • Wednesday, March 18, 2026 - A (25) word description of your organization or products for inclusion in the printed final printed program.
  • Wednesday, March 18, 2026 - Deadline for submitting an ad for the final printed program. (if applicable)
  • Wednesday, April 1, 2026 - Full payment must be received to be included in the printed final program.  (if applicable)

Interested in becoming a Cooperating Organization?

Download Application (PDF)

Government agencies, universities, and non-profit organizations with an interest in COPRI are invited to become Cooperating Organizations. There is no financial commitment or risk. The only requirement is to help publicize the conference to your constituents via your magazine, newsletter, and/or website. We also suggest that you provide the Planning Committee with your guidance and suggestions for potential short courses and session proposals. In return, the conference will post your organization’s name and web link below and will list it in all subsequent printed promotional pieces.

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